Friday, August 26, 2011

Quds and Democracy

"And we conveyed to the Children of Israel in the Scripture that : You will surely cause corruption(mischief) on earth twice and most certainly  you will behave insolently with great insolence." Holy Quran , Sura Asra , Ayat 4.
The Holy Quran has made a correct prediction concerning the Jewish zionists who are now creating mischief for some time in the world. The fact that Israel was created based on the occupation of Palestinian lands and based on the massacre and mass expulsion of hundreds of defenseless Palestinians is undeniable. For years Israel has created an atmosphere of fear mainly with the support of the American government and the tacit support of pro American dictators such as Mubarak of Egypt and Ben Ali of Tunisia. It has regularly detained and imprisoned citizens of the West Bank and Gaza, it assassinated political figures and leaders whenever it wished and it has attacked and killed Palestinians in a regular strategy of terror and usurpation .  After its attack on South Lebanon and then its attack on Gaza , the zionist entity has lost its legitimacy in the face of the public opinion in most parts of the world including the US and Europe. Western governments however, have relentlessly stood behind Israel with the assumption that this state is necessary to curb the growing powers of the Muslim world.
The awakening of the Arab world and the downfall of dictators in recent months has further weakened this regime. In addition, zionists have awakened to the reality that in this spring of freedom and democracy , authentic Islamic values are still seriously safeguarded. Israel now has realized that the anti-zionist sentiments are stronger than ever.

Dictators in the region must also understand that pro-independence and anti-zionist policy cannot be employed as a pretext to close in on individual freedoms and curb democratic values. Islamic reformism alongside democracy will enable people to become aware and make wise decisions concerning their future.

1 comment:

Veli Albert Kallio said...

In October 2009 I received invitation at the United Nations General Assembly to visit Egypt and I subsequently attended a party hosted by President Hosni Mubarak. I would not call him as 100% dictator, but an autocrat.

At 2010 UN General Assembly he proposed a meeting with the Egyptian diaspora in New York. People's unanimous response was that he should seek retirement - but to avail.

I believe the secret to the President Hosni Mubarak's downfall and disgrace largely resulted from his love to cling onto the President's magnificent summer house in Montasah, Alexandria.

It is a truly lovely house which anyone would wish to live in. But it belongs to the government. So, he just quite couldn't give up of being the President. So he had to stay as a President with the now disastrous results for him personally and reputation all but ruined.

The leaders should understand that modesty needs to be there to accept the reality that it is the virtue of office that these state houses are handed over. But perhaps this was luck to Egyptians as much of his corruption also came into limelight.

It also needs to be remembered that he still retains support in part of the society and calling him dictator is perhaps too much. But certainly he was a man who loved his house and could not give up because of it. We warned him at the UN General Assembly that people would probably eventually run out of patience having seen him as the only candidate for all their lives.

Veli Albert Kallio, FRGS

Frozen Isthmuses' Protection Campaign of the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans (FIPC)

Vice-President Environment
Sea Research Society

Fellow, Royal Geographical Society (London)

Fellow, The Explorers Club (New York City)

A press-panellist for Arctic - Mirror of Life (RSE) Symposia, Greenland

First Nations of the Americas UN General Assembly Proposition UNGA101292 investigator which the Group of Western Nations Suppress; follow-up session convener at People's Climate Change and Mother Earth's Rights Summit at Cochabamba-Tiquipaya, April 2010.